By participating in social networks, your Internet marketing plan takes on an interactive edge. An essential element to your Internet marketing strategy; social media provides you with an avenue to engage travelers and turn them into your biggest advocates. Check out these seven social media tips for lodging establishments such as resorts, hotels, cabin rentals, vacation rentals, lodges, and bed and breakfast inns:
- Your business name is essential to protect across multiple channels, so register your username as many relevant social media sites as possible. Even if you do not plan on participating immediately, capturing your name and owning your brand identity is simply good business.
- While Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn tend to be the most active social networks, other sites, such as Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Buzz and hotpotato are becoming major players.
- Don’t let “lack of time” be your excuse for not participating in social media. Empower your employees to become social media ambassadors and get out of their way. Passionate staff members can sell your property as well as any marketing professional, if not better.
- Focus more on quality of followers and fans than quantity. A handful of influencing fans and followers can be much more valuable than hundreds of passive followers.
- Be memorable. Write a personal story about your property. This sets your property apart from the competition and gives your fans and followers a theme to incorporate into your posts and interactions.
- Content should be useful. It’s not always about packages and offers. Gather content to tweet or post by involving co-workers and colleagues. A constant source of information needs to be cultivated. Mix it up a bit. Sometimes it about a new breakfast recipe or find out what is going on in town.
- Keep it light and make it fun– even a little edgy. Your fans will actually look forward to your updates and posts, rather than skipping over them.